
Creative Workshops

Leanne delivers creative workshops with adults and children in community and school settings. Past work includes Endelienta, Kent Wildlife Trust, Creative Folkestone, Spitalfields Music, ENO Baylis, The Space, East End Shed, Mulberry School for Girls, Immediate Theatre, youth charity XLP and the Glamis Adventure Playground. Her workshops have included band skills, songwriting, singing, ice-breaking and team-building, music and drama games, and general musicianship.


Teaching and Training

Leanne is a regular singing teacher for Tower Hamlets Arts and Music Education Service, as well as teaching privately. She also delivers training for choirs on rhythm and groove, vocal painting, sound and expression, etc (based on her training at Denmark’s RAMA Vocal Center) and has recently worked to this end with London Contemporary Voices, SOUND and The Pop Up Choir.


Vocal Leading

Leanne’s vocal leading work has included mass singing projects with primary and secondary schools, staff singing-for-wellbeing workshops, a scratch choir for Jim Jam Arts’ Folkestone Living Advent Calendar, and leading as a sub-conductor for the ambitious Depart project at LIFT Festival. She also regularly leads singing on team away days for the East London Foundation NHS Trust.

Leanne worked on Soundbox (an inclusive ensemble run in partnership by Drake Music, Spitalfields Music, THAMES and LSO Discovery) as part of her Trainee Music Leader year with Spitalfields Music (2017-18).

Leanne was Assistant MD on ENO Baylis’ 2018 Porgy and Bess youth project, an extract of which was performed at the London Coliseum in front of a sold out evening audience of the ENO’s Porgy and Bess.

Leanne leading a community workshop for the opening night of the Folkestone Living Advent Calendar (December 2019), culminating in a scratch choir performance at Folkestone’s disused Harbour railway station.