TEDxNHS 2019 at IndigO2. ‘See Me As I Am’ was written by Leanne and Mandeep Singh, and performed with live improvisation. Vocal percussion and bass by Kevin Fox.

Leanne conducting London Contemporary Voices at the Queen Elizabeth Hall. Arrangement by Knut Olav Rygnestad. Video by Ingmar Kamalagharan and Tom Vella.

LCV at the Union Chapel. Solos by Romaine Dixon, Briana Cowlishaw and Harriet Langley. Arrangement by Liv Barath and Olly Shelton. Video by Ingmar Kamalagharan.

Sing Tower Hamlets (Leanne’s community choir) performing Gitika Partington’s arrangement of “I Say a Little Prayer” at St Paul’s Shadwell.

ELFTin1Voice (a choir of staff and service users from the East London NHS Foundation Trust) performing at The Barbican for the ELFT Staff Awards (February 2019). Arrangement of For Good by Mac Huff / Leanne Sedin.